Get started on your way to professional success!

Birgit Labling - I am an expert in professional development of required and teams.

Birgit Labling - Ihr Coach für Führungskräfte und Teams: Erfahrene Begleitung auf dem Weg zu mehr Erfolg und persönlichem Wachstum.
Birgit Labling

How about…

… you take the next step in your career?
… you develop your full potential?
… you prepare yourself for your new task in the best possible way?
… you can use current changes as opportunities?
… you discover new opportunities for yourself in your area of responsibility?
… you can reconcile your professional ambitions and the challenges of a “fully-employed family” in the best possible way?

I am an expert in the development of individuals and teams and I can support you in this. Let’s drive your growth together.

Use the talents you have. The woods would be very quiet if only the most talented birds sang. (Henry von Dyke)
Today is the best day to keep at it.
Trust your inner strength rather than your luck.
Focus on yourself and your strengths.

My offer


I see myself as a constructive supporter and am your accelerator, especially for mindset work. Together we work strength-oriented, whereby your questions and challenges are the focus of our collaboration. This way you gain clarity and work in an implementation-oriented way.

Your benefit

What drives you?

Please feel free to contact me for a free get-to-know-you call. Let’s discuss your topics, together determine if we are a good fit and find out how you will benefit from our collaboration.

2. My program: rise wise for ladies

I have developed a program for ambitious women who want to grow professionally. It includes everything you need to take your next step in your development path.

Are you ready for your next growth spurt?

Your benefit

Milestones towards your personal success.

Your prerequisites

You want to learn more? Then please feel free to contact me for a free get-to-know-you call call or join my facebook group.

Empathie im Coaching: Verständnis für Perspektiven und Bedürfnisse des Klienten schaffen. Vertrauen aufbauen und individuelle Lösungen finden.
And Further?

You have another request around learning and development issues (understanding new learning, innovative leadership development and training, new work, change management) and my expertise is interesting for you? Feel free to contact me and let’s discuss if I can do something for you.

Customer Testimonials

About me

What makes me outstanding? My positive attitude, empathy, competence and experience. I am convinced that everyone can grow beyond themselves. I recognize individual strengths and support the development of potential.

My expertise and experience is the basis for my work. I am very familiar with the current challenges of organizations, the special requirements especially for women and the tensions of a “fully working family”. I am personally familiar with the ups and downs of a professional career, both from my own experience and from accompanying employees and customers. I have experience in both corporate and medium-sized structures, I know the transformation from a medium-sized company to a corporate group and I have worked in various industries (mechanical engineering, banking and insurance, pharmaceuticals and aviation).

I deal intensively with personal and professional development from different perspectives:

I know the different perspectives of talent management, development and learning processes and change management. I am convinced of the 70:20:10 understanding of learning, which means that 70% of people learn in their daily lives by expanding their comfort zone, and this is where I start in coaching.

I have several years of experience as a leader by having developed and established myself from an employee level to the leader of the team. My focus is on employee- and strength-oriented leadership. An essential part of my role is understanding, encouraging and supporting my employees in their personal development. The manager as a coach.

I am experienced in facilitating workshops and conducting (leadership) trainings. Furthermore, I have imparted my knowledge to students of the DH BW for many years.

My career and life is characterized by continuous change and development. I am an interested and curious person and like to try new things. My approach is “learning by doing” and I work with self-reflection and feedback.

Through my experience as a working mother in leadership, I know the special challenges of these two roles and the levers to juggle these tensions.

I myself have been a coachee with various coaches, I have lived my role as a leader as a coach, through my systemic business coach training and in my work as a coach.

Empathievolles Coaching mit Birgit Labling: Einfühlungsvermögen, Vertrauen und individuelle Lösungen im Austausch mit Führungskräften und Teams.

A few facts about me

My vita on

And why rise wise now?

My strength is to support people in their growth and to unleash their potential. I love


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